Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Message from Barbara Gray

Barbara Gray
Wedding Day picture of Barbara and Raymond Gray
Wedding Day picture of Barbara and Raymond Gray

This an important site. This is your chance to try to make a difference in someone's life. Ray Gray is innocent. He is a good man. He helps others. He paints wonderful art. He is my husband and I am proud of it. Please do what ever you can. He is not someone who wants your help to get out on a technicality. RAY GRAY IS INNOCENT in the truest sense of the word.
Barbara Rinehart-GRAY

Together we can all make a difference! Please continue to INVITE PEOPLE TO SIGN THE PETITION - IT COSTS NOTHING. NO ONE IS MAKING ANY MONEY OFF OF THIS effort. It is an ALL VOLUNTEER EFFORT. #freeraygray Spread the word, and by all means, share and like each others efforts! That makes it spread even more to new people. That is how social media works. Do something each day to help and do it on multiple platforms, not just facebook. The signatures you collect will mean a great deal. Report back the links here at www.freeraygray.com , so others can find them and to do the same. Always use these two links on anything you post and the hashtag #freeraygray. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/free-ray-gray

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